Home Country: | Postal Address: | Postal Address: | City: | Area code: | Head Office Telephone: | Email: | Website: | Company Registration Date:: | Latest Annual Report: | Recording Currency: |
South Africa | De Beers Societe Anonyme | BP591, L-2014 | Luxembourg | 0 | +352 (0)264 8711 | 0 | http://www.debeersgroup.com | 0 | 2012/12/31 | USD |
GUF in this sector: | Signed an IFA: | IFA signing Date: |
IndustriALL | No | 0 |
Sector: | Stock Exchange Listings: | Major Competitors: |
Mining | 0 | ALROSA (market share above 20%) include Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton and Aber, each of which holds a market share of below 10%. |